Administration and Finance

The Administration Department executes the administrative policies of the Deep East Texas Council of Governments. Administration is responsible for personnel and human resource duties including recruiting and employing staff members, reviewing employee policies and taking positive steps in affirmative action to provide equal employment opportunities for all. In addition, the Administration is responsible for the operations and management of all information systems.
The mission of the Finance Department is to provide fiscal control and management of federal, state, and local resources to which DETCOG is entrusted in the most effective and efficient manner possible, to operate a management information system that will provide useful and timely information to DETCOG’s Board of Directors, program administrators, and funding agencies, and to maximize and safeguard all resources entrusted to DETCOG. DETCOG takes pride in the open, responsible, accountable and efficient way it utilizes its resources. Quality assurance continuously measures and monitors program and fiscal performance while striving for continuous improvement and focus.